Sponsor the BSA, Make a Difference
Since its conception, BSA sponsorships have been used to purchase vital equipment and uniforms, provide certified referees, as well as to hold regular community events.
As a volunteer-run not-for-protect organisation that receives no government funding, the BSA relies on the generosity of our sponsors to ensure our growing community can benefit from quality sports programs.
On average we have over 400 children from over 45 schools participating in our programs, supported by dozens of parent volunteers and coaches throughout the year. Our young athletes come from various schools throughout our region such as the International School of Brussels, European Commission schools, local Belgian schools and many other international schools within Brussels.
How to support the BSA
BSA sponsors and partners provide both financial and in-kind support.
From offering playing fields and sports equipment, to sponsoring an event to providing annual funding, the BSA offers different types of corporate sponsorship packages to meet your specific needs.
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Managing Director.
Why support the BSA?
Sponsorship opportunities
BSA depends on the generosity of our Sponsors and Partners to help us underwrite the costs of providing quality sports programs for our families. In return, these partners may enjoy widespread access to our increasingly diverse community. In addition, BSA partners with organisations and schools in Brussels and Europe. BSA partners provide us with both financial and in-kind support: from playing fields to sports equipment.
We have created multiple opportunities to support BSA, from Sponsorship and Partners and individual donations. All support helps keep program costs down for BSA membership and allows us to continue our programmes.
Sponsor exposure opportunities include: