The Latest BSA Fall Sports Programming News
Thank you all for your patience over the past few weeks as we've navigated the ups and downs of coordinating our fall programming during the Covid-19 pandemic. While it may seem that much of life has returned to some level of normal, as a small, not-for-profit organization, BSA is at times especially vulnerable to the uncertainty of the situation. We are grateful for the many questions and inquiries we've received over the past few weeks.
The following information will also be shared in the BSA Monthly Newsletter. We are sharing it here as well and will add more news as things change. Thank you again for your patience and understanding.
BSA Fall Soccer and Lacrosse
Due to the Covid-19 situation, ISB has let us know they are unable to accommodate regular BSA soccer and lacrosse programming at this time. The school is, understandably, taking a cautious approach in allowing individuals not affiliated with the school to come onto campus. Because BSA is dedicated to bringing together young people from across the international community of Brussels, regardless of school affiliation, this means right now we are not able to access the school fields after school and on weekends.
ISB+ Soccer (for ISB Families Only)
It is our understanding that ISB is in the planning phase for ISB+ Activities and we can confirm that if/when ISB+ Activities are opened, BSA will be offering after school soccer programming for grades 1-6. The intention is for this programming to focus on skill development and training. Stay tuned to your ISB Newsflash as well as the BSA Facebook page for more updates.
What's Next...
BSA is a small, mostly volunteer-run non-profit. We rely on the support of our dedicated partners and sponsors to bring our high-quality sports programming to the international community in Brussels. For over 60 years, BSA's largest in-kind partner has been the International School of Brussels. We are extremely grateful for ISB's commitment to BSA and we remain incredibly appreciative of ISB's support in terms of field and gym space, logistical support and dedication to promoting BSA's programs. We couldn't do what we do without ISB!
We are thrilled that ISB+ will, for the third year in a row, include BSA Soccer for ECC and Elementary School. We look forward to seeing some of your children on the pitch after school! We're looking for 6 volunteer coaches to support ISB+. That could be you! Email our Soccer Director Jamie Martino (soccer@bsasports.org) if you're interested in volunteering as a soccer coach.
In the upcoming weeks, BSA will continue to work with ISB so that, in the event that BSA is granted access for regular BSA programming, we are able to open registration. We anticipate having an update by mid-September and are committed to keeping you all informed. In the meantime, BSA's leadership is continuing to look for affordable, alternative field options. If you are aware of options that may work for BSA, please do not hesitate to reach out.